News & Events

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano preview
Once again the event to taste the new Vino Nobile wine will be held in Montepulciano The most awaited event
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Calici di Stelle a Montepulciano: 10th of August 2020
Reserve your tastings and book special tours at “Calici di Stelle a Montepulciano” from 7:00pm to 8:00pm from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
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Information on Coronavirus in Tuscany
Last update: 3 June 2020, 5 pm What is the situation at the moment in Tuscany? Extraordinary measures to contain
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8 unexpected experiences in Valdichiana Senese
Who have never said “This year I want to visit this place, or I want to try this experience”. Here’s
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Local Ambassador’s Tales
Valdichiana Living, the official incoming tour operator of the Valdichiana Senese, is now a reference point for those wishing to
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Easy guide in APP
Valdichiana Senese at your smartphone! Easy Guide in App Valdichiana Living is the app designed for the guests of Valdichiana
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“La Bottega” Valdichiana Eating
At the Bottega in Montepulciano or Trequanda you can taste and buy certified products, short supply-chain excellencies and fine wines from the
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Calici di Stelle in Montepulciano
10th August 2019 Calici di Stelle (Chalices of Stars) is the most important event of itinerant tasting open to all,
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Let Us Save the Leopoldine Houses
Ten Municipalities, led by Cortona (province of Arezzo), join Tuscany Region to recover and promote the Leopoldine Houses, namely a
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Pici run for UNESCO Heritage
The Union of Municipalities has approved the application, which opens the way for pici to become a UNESCO cultural heritage. VALDICHIANA
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