Truffle hunting in Valdichiana Senese, the heart of Tuscany

Truffle hunting in Valdichiana Senese, the heart of Tuscany

19. Caccia al tartufo 1

Tuscan truffle hunting tour, in the wood paths of Valdichiana Senese

You will experience in first person an intense and exciting experience, seeking the precious truffle. An expert truffle hunter, with his paws-friends, will guide you through the paths of the woods of the Valdichiana Senese, telling you stories and legends related to this territory, as well as to the practice of truffle hunting.

Truffle hunting in Tuscany

The research will take time and patience, but with a little luck, at some point, you may see specially trained dogs start wagging and sniffing more and more at a bush, or at the roots of a tree. If they will start to stick their nose more and more into the ground, digging with their front legs, then the treasure could really be close, and the truffle hunter will give to his dogs their well-deserved reward. Who knows if they can find others? At the end of the hunt, it will be time to sit down at the table to taste delicious recipes based on the precious truffle, paired with local wines.


  • Walk in the woods together with an expert truffle hunter (about 1.5 hours);
  • Lunch based on truffle.

Duration: about 3 hours
Departure time: in the morning, by request
Departure location: to be confirmed after booking
Price per person: 179,00 €


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