Pienza Pecorino cheese tour

Pienza Pecorino cheese tour

12 Tour pecorino

A tour to discover Pecorino cheese from Pienza, with a visit to a local dairy

This tour will take you to discover and learn about one of the most appreciated Tuscan products, right at a dairy farm amongst the beautiful hills of Val d’Orcia (UNESCO World Heritage Site) or Valdichiana Senese. Here, you will observe the unique techniques of cheese processing, meeting these artisans of flavors, understanding the differences between the various types of Pecorino cheese, and finally you will taste it. Flocks of sheep graze on the Val d’Orcia hills, feeding on the herbs offered by this area: the result is a high-quality milk, which, once it is processed, turns into the famous Pecorino cheese, with its unmistakable flavor. Be it fresh, semi-seasoned, or seasoned, you will realize that Pecorino cheese from Pienza is excellent in every version, pure or paired with honey or jams.


  • Visit to a dairy farm;
  • Tasting of cheese from Pienza at different levels of maturation;

Available on request:

  • Transportation service

Duration: about 3 hours
Departure time: 10:30 am or 4 pm
Departure location: dairy farm in Montepulciano or Pienza
Price per person: 59,00 €


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