Horseback riding with Tuscan picnic

Horseback riding with Tuscan picnic

20. Passeggiata a cavallo con pic nic toscano 1

A guided horseback riding through the Valdichiana hills

A horseback riding to slowly explore the most beautiful places in Valdichiana. An expert guide will accompany you through the Tuscan countryside paths, running along vineyards and cultivated fields on a ring route suitable for everybody, even for beginners.

The horseback riding and the picnic

During your ride you will hear the legends and curiosities related to this territory and the characters who have lived here. Finished the ride, you will enjoy a healthy picnic featuring excellent local products and fresh seasonal snacks at the farm where you started the tour.

The horseback riding for children

This activity can also be organized for children who approach the equestrian world for the first time.


  • Horseback riding (2 hours);
  • Picnic with typical products;

Duration: about 2,5 hours
Departure time suggested: 10:00 am or 4:00 pm
Departure location: riding ground in Valdichiana Senese
Price per person: 139,00 €


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