Educational Tour extra virgin olive oil

Educational Tour extra virgin olive oil

13 Educational Tour olio e vino 3

Tasting class dedicated to extra virgin olive oil with a visit to a farm and dinner with special menu

A practical and exciting class dedicated to an excellence of this territory: Tuscan extra virgin olive oil  (Terre di Siena DOP and Toscano IGP). An expert will follow you step by step through the aknowledge of olive oil tasting rudiments.

Tasting lesson and visit to a farm producing extra virgin olive oil

You will learn how to discern and identify the qualities of extra virgin olive oil, starting from its organoleptic qualities such as color, fragrance and flavor. At the end of the class, attended at the oil mill, you will be able to comprehend and identify a high-quality oil and the best dish matches on your table. Test yourselves about what you have just learnt by visiting a farm producing extra virgin olive oil. To conclude the tour, have a special lunch with a dedicated menu to enhance the characteristics of EVO oil.


  • Introductive class to the tasting of extra virgin olive oil in the historical centre
  • Visit to a farm producing extra virgin olive oil
  • Lunch with a menu dedicated to the flavours of EVO oil

Duration: around 3 hours
Departure time: 11.30 am
Departure location: Valdichiana Living, Piazza Grande n. 7, Montepulciano
Price for person: 109,00 €


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