CarTES (Charter for the food and wine sustainable tourist) is the new project of the Italian Association for food and wine tourism meant to make the fruition of the food and wine national patrimony more sustainable.
CarTES is a real and proper vademecum that allow tourists to experience the food and wine part of a territory respecting its environment, its culture and the local community. In a world with limited sources, where one consumes more than what it’s available, to adopt a more sustainable approach it’s not just a choice but a necessity.
The guide contains indications and convenient suggestions to make the food and wine journey more sustainable, from the planification to the actual permanence in the destination. Many of the good practices inserted in the charter are ideas to be followed not only by an aware traveller, but also by the destination itself and all the involved realities.
The Charter, drew up by the association and under the presidency of Roberta Garibaldi, one of the most famous experts of food and wine tourism, has been realised also with the collaboration of important sectorial players such as the Strade del Vino, dell’Olio e dei Sapori Italian Federation, an organism whose technical secretariat is the Strada del Vino Nobile e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese.
The participation of the Strada to this important document is the direct result of the recently conducted projects meant to improve the tourism impact over the Valdichiana Senese, such as the purchase of a 100% electric minivan for the fruition of sustainable touristic experiences.
Farm enterprises, accommodations and any other reality of the food and wine tourism can join the document for free. Your support will consist of the promotion of the project through your communication channels (such as social medias or websites). At the moment of the participation, you’ll receive a communication toolkit that you can use to promote the project.
Starting from Spring 2025, the activities related to CarTES will officially start thanks to:
- The recognition of benefits for sustainable tourists (such as exclusive experiences, free or reduced tickets for museums or public transports, glass of wine …)
- An Advergame Campaign to directly involve the food and wine tourism public
To check out the document and receive more information about the participation, visit the CarTES official website: www.turistaenogastronomicosostenibile.it