Porta di Bacco

DSC0445 1
22 Apr

Porta di Bacco

Via di Gracciano nel Corso, 102/106/108
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 757948

Osteria Porta di Bacco, located in an ancient palace offers a charming and at the same time extremely sophisticated and modern, comfortable and well-furnished ambient with an open kitchen. We propose local fresh products, highest quality we chose in small selected companies together with our well trained staff.

All this gives the term “Osteria” a sense of welcome and well-being but also of elegance.

Our wine shop Porta di Bacco proposes about two thousand labels of Tuscan and national wines. All the Italian areas devoted to the enological culture are represented from the great Piemontese, the Venetians to the wines of excellence of south Italy. A good selection of Champagne is not missing. You can also buy different products such as organic Dop olive oil, including those of our farm and other specialties produced in the area.

Our good wines can be tasted easily and our staff is pleased to guide you in your choice.
If you enter the gatehouse of Porta al Prato inside the walls of San Gallo from the sixteenth century, you will find the “Salumeria“ with our delicatessen. A long table welcomes guests to consume a rich cutting board of cold cuts or a selection of sheep milk cheeses, you will be served the wine you want from our Enoteca.


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