Le Logge del Vignola

logge del vignola
22 Apr

Le Logge del Vignola

Via delle Erbe, 6
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 717290

Located in the heart of the historical center of Montepulciano, opposite the famous arcade attributed to Jacopo Barozzi from Vignola (an architect who lived in the ‘500, and designed some of the main buildings of the town), this restaurant has two cozy and elegant lounges where you can taste, in an air-conditioned and candlelight environment, the traditional Tuscan cuisine and the new proposals of the restaurant, all combined with excellent local wines. The seasonality of raw materials is the starting point for a cooking focused on local products, which is deeply rooted in the tradition and, at the same time, develops it, according to the current taste and needs. Among the proposals of the restaurant: dinner-tasting of special cheeses, flambés, and much more. The cellar displays a fine selection of Tuscan and non-Tuscan wines, with the possibility of combine them even by the glass.

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