Poggio del Moro

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30 Apr

Poggio del Moro

Via Cavine e Valli, 79
Chianciano Terme (SI)
Tel. 3889945500
E-mail: wine@poggiodelmoro.it

Poggio del Moro Estate is located in the beating heart of the most authentic Tuscany, just a few kilometers from the village of Chianciano Terme. The winery was created thanks to Tania’s passion, aided by a young and dynamic team. Loyalty to Tuscan traditions, elegance, love of nature and attention to every vineyard and every olive tree: these are the cardinal principles of Poggio del Moro. The Poggio del Moro winery is a modern, well-equipped winery with a cozy tasting room and a small in-house store where you can taste and buy all the winery’s products. The vineyards occupy 14 hectares and have been planted following the natural profile of our hills, without any mixing of soil profiles around a small lake.

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