Masseria del Bosco
Strada per la Foce Podere Poderuccio
Chianciano Terme (SI)
Tel. 3914271390
E-mail: masseriadelbosco@gmail.com
Masseria del Bosco, we chose this name because the literal meaning of the word Masseria indicates a rural business run by a massaio (a Tuscan term for farm manager) and therefore perfect to describe our farm.
Our agritourism business is nestled in the greenery of Tuscany, close to the fantastic Pietraporciana Nature Reserve and within the regional forest park of the “Foce,” overlooking the Val d’Orcia and a stone’s throw from beautiful villages such as Montepulciano, Pienza and Monticchiello.
Our farm was born de an idea related to the passion for nature and the enhancement of it, our farmhouse is perfect for those who want to relax away from the hectic pace of everyday life, from us at Masseria del Bosco the only noises you can hear will be exclusively those of nature the noises of city traffic will be only a distant memory.
In our farmhouse you can appreciate true Tuscan Hospitality and discover the flavors of this fantastic land.