Fattoria Pulcino

fattoria pulcino
22 Apr

Fattoria Pulcino

SP 146 per Chianciano, 37
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 758711


The farm “Il Pulcino”, formerly a friary, then a farmhouse dating back to the 16th century, is located along the provincial road n°146, between Montepulciano and Chianciano Terme; it is a family-owned farm that produces local typical products (even organically produced) and performs their retail sales. It is owned by Sergio Ercolani (nicknamed “il Pulcino” [the Chick]) and his wife Gabriella, with the valuable assistance of their six children and eighteen grandchildren, as well as other relatives. The wines produced here represent a good balance between tradition and innovation, and include a variety of labels that have made famous this territory and the surrounding areas: Nobile di Montepulciano, Rosso di Montepulciano, Chianti, Bianco Vergine della Valdichiana, liqueur and dry Vin Santo. Besides, the Farm “il Pulcino” produces liqueurs, extra virgin olive oil, pecorino cheese, cold cuts, honey, homemade jams and cakes.

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