The sacred waters of San Casciano dei Bagni

The sacred waters of San Casciano dei Bagni

29. Le acque sacre di San Casciano dei Bagni

Visit the sanctuary and swim in Fonteverde Spa thermal baths

The Santuario Ritrovato in San Casciano dei Bagni is one of the most sensational archaeological discoveries of recent years. From the muddy waters, near the large baths (the well-known free spas at the foot of the hamlet), emerged a sanctuary from the Augustan age dedicated to waters, with a tub and a monument dating back to that period. Likewise, the finds re-emerged from the hot waters testify the importance of this place: bases and sections of columns, gold and silver coins, votive bronzes, inscriptions mentioning Apollo, Fortuna, Isis, deities associated with health, which suggest the sacredness of those waters.

With this exclusive tour, available only on Saturdays, you will visit the excavation with those who unearthed it, starting from the exhibition hall of the Stanze Cassianensi and walking to the excavation right after.

Once the visit is over, the itinerary through the sacred waters of San Casciano dei Bagni continues in Fonteverde, once a private spa facility commissioned by the Medici of Florence and today a luxurious spa. Just like the spirit of the 1600s, pieces related to the finds found during the recent excavation are now exhibited inside the majestic villa. Once admired the gallery, is time to discover the beneficial effects of the water with a hot bath in one of the most beautiful spas in Italy.


  • Duration: about 4 hours
  • Departure time: every Saturday at 10 am
  • Departure location: Piazza Garibaldi, San Casciano dei Bagni
  • Price per person: 59,00€
  • Participant: from 2 participants
  • On request: transfer

What it includes

  • Entrance and visit to the Le Stanze Cassianensi Museum;
  • Walk and visit of the excavation of the Temple of Apollo with guide;
  • Daily admission to Fonteverde SPA.

Transfer not included. Available on request.


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