New Moon Tour: Twilight Saga a Montepulciano

New Moon Tour: Twilight Saga a Montepulciano

New Moon Tour 1

Tour in the town of the Twilight’s Volturi

“Here is Volterra!”, says Alice Cullen on board of a yellow Porsche, as she sees the Tuscan village home to the Volturi. Actually, that village with narrow streets going uphill is Montepulciano. This tour will allow you to discover the Italian film set of “New Moon – Twilight Saga”, accompanying you on a visit to the more or less known sites of the town, which have been the setting of some overwhelming scenes of the film.

The places of New Moon in Montepulciano

The palace with the clock tower, Piazza Grande filled with red cloaks, all witnessed the desperate rush of the young human Bella Swan looking for her charming lover and good vampire Edward Cullen. Along with a guide, you will walk through the historic center of Montepulciano, where you will recognize Vicolo della Concordia, Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza San Francesco, and much more iconic places of the movie. At the end of the tour, stop at a historic restaurant in Montepulciano, for a very special aperitif.


  • Walking tour in the historic center of Montepulciano on the sites of the New Moon’s movie set;
  • Visit of the underground cellars where the film was set and wine tasting;
  • Aperitif with the Vampire;
  • Gadget “New Moon”.

Duration: about 1.5 hour
Departure time: 10 am or 3 pm
Departure location: Valdichiana Living, Piazza Grande n. 7, Montepulciano
Price: 85,00 € per person


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