Gourmet Tour in the historic center of Montepulciano

Gourmet Tour in the historic center of Montepulciano

8 Gourmet tour in centro storico 1

Walking through the city center of Montepulciano, on the most tasteful gourmet tour ever

You will take a delicious tour through the alleys of the city center of Montepulciano, accompanied by an expert guide who will tell you about the history of this ancient medieval town. Between breath taking views and architecture from the Renaissance era, you will taste the delicacies that mostly characterize this area and town, stopping at stores of local typical products, at a traditional restaurant, and at an underground wine cellar.

Flavors of the gourmet tour in Montepulciano

The gourmet tour will let you taste the best excellences of this area, such as Pecorino cheese from Pienza at different aging levels, Tuscan salami, bruschetta topped with Tuscan extra virgin olive oil, the famous handmade local pasta Pici, and obviously the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG and Vino Rosso di Montepulciano DOC. Excellent quality and authenticity are the words that best sum up this guided visit of Montepulciano to learn more about local flavors.


  • Visit to the tasting points;
  • A tasting of Pecorino cheese from Pienza;
  • A platter of salami and bruschetta topped with extra virgin olive oil;
  • A plate of hand-made Pici;
  • Visit to a historical wine cellar, and taste Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG.

Duration: 3 hours
Suggested departure time: 10:30 am or 5:00 pm
Departure location: Valdichiana Living, Piazza Grande n. 7, Montepulciano
Price per person: 109,00€


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